As we take our yearly look ahead to next year, we address both familiar and new topics!
PTR in 2023
Here at PTR, we’ll continue to focus on innovation, safety improvements and workplace culture. We value all of our client relationships and look forward to working with clients both new and old in 2023. Thank you for your continued support. We hope you’ve found this year’s blog posts insightful and helpful. See you in 2023!
Sustainability Trends in 2023
This article does a great job explaining how sustainability efforts are going far beyond just being eco-friendly. They includes improving working conditions and employee well-being. Also it highlights how increased regulation will push sustainability efforts, as well as the rise of the circular economy.
Supply Chain Trends in 2023.
One word: On-shoring. This article highlights how 88% of U.S. Small Businesses will continue moving supply chains closer to headquarters. The benefits of this are long last and massive. There will be some growing pains as this is a major change from how things were done before 2020.
Recycling Trends in 2023
As we discussed, the global market for scrap metal recycling looks to surge in 2023 and beyond. Demand for copper is particularly in focus. This article does a deep dive.
Also, progress is being made in researching plastic biorecycling. When this hits the mainstream, its going to be a game changer.
Green Aluminum in 2023
We’ve discussed Green Steel, but Green Aluminum is making strides as well. Nissan looks to use Green Aluminum in some of their cars in 2023.
Packaging in 2023
Amazon is reinventing packaging – and you better believe other companies will follow suit. Amazon has the time and wherewithal to devote to innovating in this area. It improves the bottom line and helps the planet