Our website is a great source for more information about your PTR Vertical Baler, Stationary Compactor and Self Contained Compactor. We have a library of downloadable PDFs of manuals, spec sheets, cut sheets, service documents and more. They are organized by category so everything is quick and easy to find.
Vertical Balers
In additional to manuals and specs sheets for all our Vertical Baler models, you’ll find information on Baler Installation, a Safety Inspection Checklist, a color chart of available colors for your baler and more. Whether you need more information on a baler you already own or are looking to learn more before you purchase a vertical baler, you’ll find what you need here. Need to make sure the vertical baler you’re looking to purchase will fit in your space? Complete dimension can be found here.
Stationary Compactors & Self Contained Compactors
Find manuals and cut sheets for all of our compactors here. You’ll also find information on compactor installation, site survey forms, compactor dimensions and more. Not finding exactly what you’re looking for? We offer custom solutions of compactors so they fit and work in your space. For example we can put a self contained compactor on a raised platform. Regardless of what you need, we can make it work.
Other Products
In addition to information about balers and compactors, you can find info about our Pre-Crusher, PTR Equipment rebuilding specs, warranty information and more.
Service Documents
Find User manuals in English and French, More installation guides, training classes outlines and more.